True Vineyard Color Blog

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A month into podcasting : what did I learn so far and what's next

Mar 01, 2025

The True Vineyard Color podcast is one month old on Monday, March 3rd. 🎉  Five episodes are live ! 

The beauty of seeing my guests light up when they get to tell their stories, share their voices and hope their story may inspire a listener, is what keeps me going. What got me started in podcasting is something personal. For much of my childhood I felt that expressing my voice was not encouraged in my house.  And for a lot of my adult life I continued to take the " temperature " in the room before feeling safe to share what was on my heart.

Now, when I am able to express myself freely, I feel liberated.  And if I can have even a little part in creating a space for islanders to share their voice and know they can make an impact, then I want to do it ! It is a small way of giving back to my Vineyard community.  I am learning new things about podcasting every day. As my friend Griffin says : " Just jump and the net will appear ". This has been the truth ! 

I have listened to a wide range of podcasts since the pandemic. But it wasn't until last September that I got the idea to start one. I joined an online podcast mentorship program, and I flew to Los Angeles in early November for a 3 day podcasting conference. At the event I met women  from all over the world on their podcasting journeys, and we support each other along the way as we are launching our podcasts together. This has been such a fun part of this new adventure.  But the best and most rewarding part so far  has been interviewing my guests. It is the best feeling when somebody says a whole hearted "YES"  to be on the show. I am  grateful to my first month guests who agreed to be on the podcast , Griffin Hughes, Michael Blanchard, Jennie Slossberg and Lora Ksieniewiscz. Thank you for jumping into something so brand new with me. I learned so much from your stories, and one of the inspirations from all these interviews is the love for our island community that I heard shine through in all of our conversations. I hope these first few episodes inspire you, too ! I always have more to learn as an interviewer, and find that preparation for the interview key. 

Please stay tuned for my line up of interesting and diverse guests coming to the podcast this month. Episodes drop on Mondays and you can follow the show on the podcast page. 

Thank you so very much for being here. It means the world to me.

Sending love to all, Sylvie







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