Trailer - Podcast launching February 3rd

Welcome to the True Vineyard Color Podcast! If you love Martha's Vineyard, this is your little nook in the world of podcasts. I am your host Sylvie Farrington and I am so happy you are here. I washed ashore Martha's Vineyard in the mid 1980s from Germany, just 5 days after my high school graduation, with no family, a backpack and a dream for a better future. The island overdelivered. I grew up with a passion for textiles and color, and I started my handmade business SyliveBags from scratch in 1997. The enthusiasm of the Vineyard Community helped me turn it into one of the most beloved artisan businesses on the island for over 25 years.

Now I'd like to introduce YOU to just what it is that makes Martha's Vineyard so special besides its natural beauty: The eclectic bunch we call "Vineyarders"!

Come with me as I drive down dirt roads to chat with local entrepreneurs, artists and visionaries who have carved out their unique niche on the island. Listen in as we dig deep into the passions, creative thinking and resilience that has enabled us to make a life on the VIneyard, no matter where we came from or how we got here.

Listen to anecdotes of your favorite Vineyarders, and learn about businesses and entrepreneurs you may have not known existed on the island. Your Vineyard experience will be broadened and enriched with my podcast as you stay connected with this special place in all the seasons.

This is the True Vineyard Color Podcast!