Ep 2 - How to stay physically strong and mobile at any age with fitness trainer Griffin Hughes

In this engaging podcast episode, Sylvie discusses all things fitness with Vineyard strength trainer Griffin Hughes. She shares an anecdote about the late Vineyard artist Ray Ellis falling off the treadmill and we follow Griffins journey through all her years in bodywork on Martha's Vineyard. From working with clients one on one post surgery to taking her students outdoors during the pandemic, to teaching spin classes at the YMCA, Griffin has worked in the wellness field for over 20 years, and is a wealth of knowledge about all things exercise. One of the main takeaways of the conversation is that quality of life in later years is vastly determined by a sense of physical well being that can be achieved through a regular routine of a few exercises. She says " It's never too late to start, but once you start, you can never stop. " Griffin also highlights that exercise is extremely helpful in feeling mentally strong. 

You can find Griffin on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/griffinmv/?__pwa=1   All classes are listed in the Instagram bio. It is recommended to book your class ahead of time. 

For addtl. info or to find out about retreats : [email protected]

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